
The University of Canterbury | TeWhare Wānanga o Waitaha (UC) is one of the leading research universities in NewZealand, founded in 1873 by scholars of Oxford and Cambridge universities, isthe second oldest university in New Zealand and the fourth oldest inAustralasia. Since its establishment, UC has produced a number of well-knowngraduates who have impacted the world we live in today including physicistErnest Rutherford, author Margaret Mahy, and astrophysicist Roy Kerr and otherswho have become leaders in their field. Today, UC graduates go on tohigh-calibre employment in business, Government, and NGO sectors, while othergraduates are accepted into prestigious university programmes, and secure researchand teaching positions around the world.
UC’s main campus is located inattractively landscaped grounds in the suburb of Ilam with learning andperformance spaces in the heart of Christchurch. The University is structuredaround five Colleges: Arts; Business and Law; Education, Health and HumanDevelopment; Science; and Engineering. Each College balances a commitment toinnovation and research with a reputation for academic and teaching excellence.Education is a significant investment, so it is reassuring that Canterburyoffers qualifications that are recognised worldwide.